In Geometry, English learner students designed and created their own tessellations.
The artworks were made on Febuary 15th and will be on display in the PAC for a couple of months. After that the artworks will be in B2.
Catherine Wachtler, an English learners teacher, is very proud of her students.

“The project was a culmination of something we’ve been studying all during [the] first semester,” Wachtler said. “The project was for students to design a shape and then they had to do some transformations to it, rotate, reflect or translate it to create a tessellation.”
A tessellation is a geometric figure where one piece is repeated filling a grid.

“A tessellation is when pieces basically fit together like a puzzle,” Wachtler said. “That same piece gets repeated again and again again, with no gaps, no change.”
Senior Edwin Gonzalez enjoyed the class and it helped him learn English.
“It was a wonderful experience and I learned a lot. I learned about translations and rotations and I really enjoyed the activity,” Gonzalez said.