YouTuber Nicholas Perry‒more commonly known as Nikocado Avocado‒shocked the internet with his sudden 250-pound weight loss. Perry grew...

Often effort has to be put in to find the harmony between living life and fulfilling employment responsibilities, which can be especially difficult...

Inter-gradal couples explained the details and experiences of their relationship. High school is a time when many teenagers start relationships....

Friends don’t always have the same plans after high school and may end up going different ways in life. After graduation, relationships...

This article appeared in the Fall 2023 magazine, Growing Up. Growing up with makeup can be an exciting journey of creativity and a way to...

This article appeared in the Fall 2023 magazine, Growing Up. Plates and utensils clatter against the tables as the Redwood City Veterans Memorial...

This article appeared in the Fall 2023 magazine, Growing Up. Fifth graders flock to recess as they make their way toward their fellow entrepreneur...

Embracing curly hair can be a challenge for some. Fears of it being too curly or too wavy or curled in the wrong directions permeate the minds...

Fortnite brings a new season filled with past memories through its throwback map, harkening back to the 2017 map when Fortnite was first released. This...

Teenagers often find themselves looking at posed and edited photos. Often this behavior leads to toxic self-comparison. As the widespread...