The Voice of the Wildcats

The Paw Print

The Voice of the Wildcats

The Paw Print

The Voice of the Wildcats

The Paw Print

2023-2024 Staff

Kailyn Holty
Editor in Chief

Kailyn Holty

Kailyn Holty is a junior and third-year journalist. She enjoys writing about campus life, current even...

Chloe de Leon
Multimedia/Online Editor

Chloe de Leon

Chloe de Leon is a junior and second-year journalist. She enjoys writing about culture, lifestyle, enter...

Patrick Van Hoven
Managing Editor

Patrick Van Hoven

Patrick Van Hoven is a senior and second-year journalist. He enjoys writing about politics, books, and impr...

Nathan Chen
Beat Editor

Nathan Chen

Nathan Chen is a freshman and first-year journalist. He enjoys writing about world and political news....

Luisa Gapastione
Beat Editor

Luisa Gapastione

Luisa Gapastione is a freshman and first-year journalist. She enjoys writing about politics, controv...

Jaiedenn Dolan
Beat Editor

Jaiedenn Dolan

Jaiedenn Dolan is a senior and second-year journalist. She enjoys writing about politics, worldwide,...

Conrad Berke
Beat Editor

Conrad Berke

Conrad Berke is a senior and third-year journalist. He enjoys writing about sports, culture, and opin...

Samantha Marquez
Staff Writer

Samantha Marquez

Samantha Marquez is a junior and first-year journalist. She enjoys writing about her interests and hobbies...

Patrick Hobeychi
Staff Writer

Patrick Hobeychi

Patrick Hobeychi is a senior and first-year journalist. He enjoys writing about sports and politics. He h...

Coco Beck
Staff Writer

Coco Beck

Coco Beck is a junior and first-year journalist. She enjoys writing about sports and the community. In co...

Carmen Pinto
Staff Writer

Carmen Pinto

Carmen Pinto is a senior and first-year journalist. She enjoys writing poetry. She hopes to achieve en...

Kimberlyn Rueda Perez
Staff Writer

Kimberlyn Rueda Perez

Kimberlyn Rueda Perez is a senior and first-year journalist. She enjoys writing about her interests, ho...

Hollin White
Beat Editor/Social Media Manager

Hollin White

Hollin White is a sophomore and first-year journalist. He enjoys writing about local and campus news. He...