Understanding quarantine:
First off, quarantine is stupid. Not because it’s unnecessary; it is extremely important. No, quarantine is stupid because it makes you feel useless. Waking up every day and being told to stay inside makes you think that nothing can be done until the quarantine is over. But this is just not true, and looking at what we are forced to do proves it.
Even though we are dealing with a pandemic, we still do our school work and we are still are given the same assignments. So why should our goals be treated any differently? The way through quarantine is through focusing on these goals. Now that we have all this free time, we can use it to finally work on the things we have been trying to do for months.
Alright, so since quarantine is stupid, how are you supposed to stay motivated? Motivation comes from having goals. In order to stay motivated, you have to remember what it is that you are working towards.
Picture what you want to be once quarantine is over and think why you want to achieve that. Quarantine is a great time for change because it is one of the only times when you will be almost completely in control over your schedule. Now is the only time when you can work towards what you truly want to achieve without having to work around the other parts of your life. Imagine what you want to be once you are out of quarantine, then work to become it.
School Work:
Because of pass or fail grading, it can feel impossible to find the motivation to do work, but it is still required. The best way to keep motivation for doing work is to quantify the amount of work that you have. In reality, there only is a limited amount, and unlike regular schooling, there is no time when you have to be doing it.
The school week lasts only as long as you let it. If you get the work done early, the weekend could come as soon as Wednesday. Do not think of the large amount of work; instead, focus on the freedom that comes with the completion of the work.
Social Life:
One of the most important parts of quarantine is remaining social. Keeping in contact with friends is necessary because otherwise, we’re all just going to go insane.
While it’s difficult to keep social distancing, it does not mean it is completely impossible to see them. Find times to meet up with them and do activities with them. And if you can’t see them in real life, then talk to them on the phone whenever you are bored. Whatever you can do, attempt to keep in touch because it’s important to have someone to talk to during all this.
One final thing that is extremely useful is online games. Anything from card games to puzzle games are available online and are made with distance in mind.
Life is extremely difficult right now because of quarantine, but it’s important to remember that this time isn’t without its benefits.
No other period of our lives has ever given us this much freedom and time. So make sure to take advantage, and once quarantine is over, you can be proud of the better person you will be.