Many people around the nation believe men and women are equal. However, it seems as though we live in a society that sets up a system where women and men aren’t treated equally. A system where men always seem to come out on top. Today, we will be learning the perspectives of three different people on the topic of women’s treatment in society.
Sequoia District Nurse Kristen Coronado stated, “I feel that in the Bay Area it’s a little bit more, not a little bit, a lot more progressive then other parts of the country and that women are probably treated more equal.”
Coronado makes an interesting point. According to CNBC, a news station that specifically reports on economic inquiries, their updated pay equity map shows that out of the 50 states in America, only 26 states have pay equity laws and policies.
Woodside High School senior Ashley Agel somewhat agrees, stating,”I don’t think women are treated very equally, and I don’t think that’s very fair considering I think that everybody should be treated equally in the world.”
Agel also tells a story of how she felt. Even though she didn’t face any huge challenges, she did face one.
“I didn’t face any huge challenges, but I did grow up playing softball, and… I always got talked about saying that softball wasn’t a real sport because baseball was, and because that was what boys played, and that softball wasn’t going to get me anywhere in life,” Agel described.
Situations like Agel’s aren’t uncommon. Many girls are put down or compared to boys when trying to fulfill a certain task.
Like Agel, Sequoia High School senior Jacob Walker believes that men and women are equal and can be up for the same qualifications.
“I do believe that men and women are equal,” Agel stated. “They should be paid equal if they have the same qualifications as their male counterparts, because that’s fair.”
It seems as though there are many people aware of this equality issue, but when will we start taking a stand and making a change?