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The Voice of the Wildcats

The Paw Print

The Voice of the Wildcats

The Paw Print

The Voice of the Wildcats

The Paw Print

Martina Baldassi

Martina Baldassi, Staff writer

Martina Baldassi is a senior and first year journalism student at woodside high school. She doesn’t have much experience in writing and journalism but she is looking forward to contributing to the Paw Print and learning more about journalism. Martina also enjoys music, exercise and being in the outdoors.

All content by Martina Baldassi
Gnocchi is a simple, tasty dish almost anyone can make!

How to Make Gnocchi

Martina Baldassi, Staff writer
December 22, 2020
Mental Health and Insurance

Mental Health and Insurance

Martina Baldassi, Staff writer
November 23, 2020
With the pass/fail system, grades A-D are written as "pass" and lower grades are written as "fail."

Pass or Fail?

Martina Baldassi, Staff writer
November 5, 2020
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