Over the years, students have started to have trouble studying or even doing homework because of procrastination. The rise in technology with phones, social media and artificial intelligence (AI) can distract students from working on their own or working altogether.
Studying is a way to review classwork, homework and lessons one learns in class to prepare for upcoming tests, exams and finals.
“I procrastinate all the time which is bad,” junior Emily Parker said. “Sometimes I eat when I study and then multitask.”
As the world develops new technology, many students agree that there will always be problems around procrastination and phone usage during studying. Because of phone distractions, Woodside has gone phone-free in classes during class and tutorial in hopes students will pay more attention and use tutorial time wisely. One of the administrative vice principals and the head of tutorial Charles Velschow supports the idea that tutorial is for students to use their time to work on academics and homework.
“It seems that a majority of the students are using their time to work on academic endeavors [during tutorial],” Velschow said.
While it does seem that some students are using tutorial time to study or do their homework, procrastination is still a problem. Some students shared how phones can even help students study better without distracting them.
“[When I’m studying] it depends,” junior Ciara Lawrence said. “If I listen to music when I’m reading, depending on what music I listen to it could either be distracting or it can help me focus.”
Another problem that could come up while studying is friends who distract easily and get students off task while they’re working.
“It depends on the people [I study with],” Parker said. “I think some of my friends get easily distracted while others help me stay on task.”
While procrastinating, phone use and distractions are the main issues when studying. Some ways to minimize distractions are to control one’s surroundings and one’s time management.
“Devoting time to studying has helped me a lot throughout high school,” Lawrence said. “I recommend everybody does it too.”