Crossword: Orchestral Instruments
Test your Musical knowledge in this fun little puzzle
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About the Contributors

Amos Figueroa, Staff Writer
Amos Figueroa is a junior and first-year journalist. He enjoys writing about World News and cultural events happening all over. Amos hopes to both inform and educate readers through his accurate and sophisticated writing. In his free time, Amos enjoys reading dystopian novels, listening to music, and writing songs.

Cedrik von Briel, Managing Editor
Cedrik von Briel is a senior, fourth-year journalist and the Managing Editor for The Paw Print. He enjoys writing about news, nature, and local interest stuff and hopes to inform readers about current issues and events through his writing, and maybe spark their interest on the topic. In his free time, He enjoys taking photos, reading the news, being outside, biking to school, and birds.