credits: @wwoodsidememes
The class of 2019 is on track to set a new record, but it isn’t the legacy that we want to leave. While past senior classes have dominated the spirit point competition, this year we were mere points away from being in last place.
Going into Homecoming week, seniors had a little over a third of the amount of points that the sophomores had. Daniella Sanchez Sevilla, senior class president, is very aware of this fact. “Nora (the sophomore class president) was very determined to beat the seniors this year,” she said “they definitely had a lot of spirit.” She isn’t the only one who feels this way. Allison Roque, Board of Student Affairs (BOSA) Secretary, is in charge of updating the spirit points and has also noticed, “They’ve gotten so many points from their football ticket sales and class boards.” Something which contributed to the seniors landing third place.
There are four opportunities to gain spirit points during homecoming week: quad count, skit, decorations, and the homecoming halftime game. While Seniors dominated in the skit and decoration of the gym, the other competitions presented them more of a struggle. For the quad count, seniors beat out the freshmen by only one person. Even more devastating, the seniors were about to cross the finish line for the halftime game, when a last-minute mishap gave the win to the sophomores. Nicola Recker says, “I have confidence in our grade that we will work together to prevail against the sophomores.”
Despite the rocky start to the year, seniors were able to take first place in the homecoming competition as a whole. Nicola, BOSA President, adds “If the seniors keep up the spirit that we had during homecoming week, then hopefully we will win in the end. I have confidence in our grade that we will work together to prevail against the sophomores.”