The Voice of the Wildcats

The Paw Print

The Voice of the Wildcats

The Paw Print

The Voice of the Wildcats

The Paw Print

Eventful boys lacrosse season comes to an end

The team raises their lacrosse sticks in a pre-game cheer.

Woodside varsity boys lacrosse finished their season early this month, with an overall record of four wins and nine losses. 

The team competes in the Peninsula-Ocean league within the Central Coast Section (CCS), and is led by head coach Michael Nienkerk. The team’s last game was an away game against Woodside Priory, ultimately ending in a 4-10 loss. 

“[I’m proud of] our first game against Priory because although we lost, we came really close to beating them, and I’m proud of that because they’re at the top of the league right now, so I think that was very good for us,” sophomore varsity player Liam Carver said.

Like with many other Woodside sports, boys lacrosse players named Sequoia as a big rival.

“With Sequoia dropping down a league this [past] year, Sequoia was really the team we wanted to beat,” senior varsity player Kody Cochran said. “Our first game against Sequoia we won, [but] our second game, [despite] holding them to four overtimes, we actually lost, which sucks. I like how everyone played and we brought the energy to that game which was awesome.”

The team had several tough losses, but there were also positive takeaways from this season.

“We had a lot of new players this year, and I think they did really well,” Carver said. “Our coach was really good at making them better and boosting them up.”

The team is optimistic for next season and ready to work on improving.

“I think we got to work on our drive, having more passion, working harder in practices and working harder in games,” senior and varsity player Beckett Postlewaite said. “[But] even when we were losing this season, I still feel like we kept our spirits up.”

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Conrad Berke
Conrad Berke, Beat Editor
Conrad Berke is a senior and third-year journalist. He enjoys writing about sports, culture, and opinion pieces. In his free time, Conrad enjoys watching soccer games, listening to music, playing Magic: The Gathering, and spending time with friends and family.

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